Take a good look at your business website. Has it been a while since it was built and shared with your potential customers? Are they getting a little tired of seeing the same old photos and content on there? If so they might start looking around for your competition if you don't keep them happy. So here a a few good ideas improve your website, and attract more potential customer to you online.
1. An Exciting New Look. Update your site every so often with new content and fresh new photos of your products to give it a brand new look.
2. Use Your Social Media More! You probably have a social media page or two already, but how often are you really using it? Now is the perfect time to plan out the next 6 to 12 months in that brand new diary or calendar you got for Christmas and decide what you will be posting and when. Don't go over board trying to advertise your business or website though, as people soon get board of your adverts. Remember the 80/20 rule, 80% should be fun and happy photos showing your potential customers what they are missing out on! The other 20% should be Adverts, Special Offers, and reasons to visit.
3. Blogging Writing a Blog and sharing it on your site and social media pages is a great way of adding fresh content to your site on a regular basis and will improve your sites SEO. Take the time once or twice a month and write hints, tips and advice and share relevant information on your type of business.
4. List Your Business. Take a few minutes to list your business on as many relevant business listing sites as you can find. The best way to find these is to search online for your own business or your competition and see what gets listed.Try these to get you started:
5. Use Google Analytics. Google Analytics is a great way to keep tabs on who is viewing your website, when they are viewing, how, and where from. Once you have this information you will be able to see what is working on your site and what isn't. Are your viewers looking at every page or just the first? and how long are they staying. This is just some of the information you can find out so you can adjust your site accordingly.
6. Advertise On Social Media. Using Facebook or Twitter for example to advertise your business is a great way of capturing your potential customers. With more and more people constantly checking their social media on their phones these days its a great way to put your advert in front of them. From just a few pounds per day you can choose your target market by area, age, gender and even choose the things they already like to help narrow down the search.
7. Using Keywords. Google Adwords is not only a great way of paying (Per Click) to show your website on Google listings it also lets you use its Keyword Planner. Improving or updating the Keywords on your site or social media pages will improve your SEO and help more people find you online. This great free tool will give you keyword ideas and also tell you how many monthly searches there have been for that word or phrase and if the competition for that Keyword is Low, Medium or High.
8. Promote A Sale Or Discount Offer. January is fast approaching which means its time for a sale! This is a great time to get rid of your unsold stock and attract people to buy at a discounted rate. It also gives you the opportunity later to buy in new products never sold before and promote these in the future! Promoting your sale can be done via Social Media pages and your website. If you don't sell your products online yet, its time to get going while people are searching for a bargain in the comfort of their own homes and not having to brave the weather.
9. Starting An Email List. Collecting a list of customers email addresses should be a continuous, never ending job. After all these can be used throughout the year to promote Sales, New Product Lines and Special Offer Coupons to attract more business in the future. These addresses are literally like gold dust and should be kept in a safe place! Collecting them though can be quite easy if you offer a discount coupon for example to spend in return or the chance to win something big in your monthly draw! Rewarding the staff member who collects the most can also see great results or even better, set them a target to reach in return for cash!
10. Start Selling Your Product Or Your Service Online! If you have a physical shop and don't sell your products online as well, now is the time to get started. With over 80% of people now searching online first before purchasing, its time to attract new customers and stop them going elsewhere.
If you are thinking of a new website for your business and would like a quote please feel free to contact us.